OH SNAP! Blue (DVD and Gimmick) by Jibrizy Taylor and SansMinds


  • CAD: CAD$45.50

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SKU: OHSNAP_BLUE Category: Tag:

OH SNAP is an insanely visual and commercial effect to turn a deck of cards into money at the end of your card routine. Imagine at the end of your card set, simply by tossing the the deck, the deck visually morphs into a stack of bills. This looks too good it is like watching TV live.

*Gimmick included and fully customizable into your local currency.

TV rights NOT included with purchase.
All TV rights reserved and available directly from SansMinds Magic only.

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Weight 0.2 kg
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OH SNAP! Blue (DVD and Gimmick) by Jibrizy Taylor and SansMinds


  • CAD: CAD$45.50

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